Using Posters will Benefit your Business

Most marketers and business owners have probably never considered using posters to promote their business…but right it off at your peril…just because we’re in the Internet age doesn’t mean this once mainstay of promotion is dead. No matter what type of business you’re in, posters are a great way to advertise and market yourself. You can use posters both indoors and outside so you have as much room needed to get creative. A poster will benefit your business greatly and here are a few of the reasons why.

Banners are a great promotional tool with impact

Size and space

You first need to work out exactly what you need to tell people and who you’re saying it to. A larger outdoor poster is perfect to get attention and reach out to a wider audience, perfect for advertising something important such as an event or a sale. An indoor poster is just as effective; by catching someone’s eye and making them stop to look they then will take in all of the information. This is perfect for delivering a more direct message and making people more engaged with what is being said.


A high quality digitally printed poster will not only look more professional, but will also make it a lot more engaging and therefore benefit you more as a business. Whether you are selling a product or a service, by having a high quality poster you will be presenting an image of a business that works at the highest possible quality. Also the clarity of a better poster will make all information easier to read so that nothing is missed.

Quality digitally printed poster

Location and response

A poster is most useful to you because you can put it anywhere, not just in your local area but branch out to surrounding areas to gain more attention. A person stood bored or walking along will quickly take notice of an eye-catching poster, so placement in prime locations where they will be doing so is ideal. Including some encouragement to respond to your poster is a great way to engage people. A phone number or website will ensure that your poster is the first step to making a sale.

Special offers or promotions

If your business is having an upcoming promotion or sale then a poster is the perfect way to let people know. A brightly coloured poster with ‘sale’ in big writing will always engage a passer by, and people can’t resist the chance to get something cheaper. By using a poster you won’t have to send out hundreds of emails to a list of customers or use other means of telling people, a well-placed poster will do the work for you.

Keep and reuse your poster

Depending on the event or whatever you may be advertising, if you take care of your poster and store it properly you will be able to use it again. For example if you print a poster for Christmas and want to keep it for next year there’s nothing stopping you. You will then be saving money when it comes to next year and you need another poster.

Feeling like you should give it a go? Some digital printers in Bristol can even design the posters for you, but if you want to have a go in-house check out this designers guide to printing a poster.